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Banca WordPress Theme

Estimated reading: 0 minutes 402 views
Getting Started
Getting Started

Before building your site, better take a look at this section.


In the demo contents, you will find some different Footers used in

Banca Options
Banca Options

Set It And Forget It.  This section will provide you an in-depth

Widgets / Sidebars
Widgets / Sidebars

The theme supports multiple location sidebar areas. Navigate to Appearance > Widgets to see available

Tips / Guides / Troubleshoots
Tips / Guides / Troubleshoots

You may find here your solution. So we request to check here


Supposed to be commonly asked questions and troubleshoot tricks are in this

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  • Arif Rahman

    March 31, 2022


    Yes, The text logo has supported by default. It will be displayed only after removing or missing the image logo from the logo option.


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Banca WordPress Theme

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We're on a mission.

At Banca, we’re using cutting-edge technology to transform the industry and deliver financial services that actually work for you.